2015's Best of the Best

This is it.

The best of the best.

We’re wishing you a Happy New Year. 

Our hope, is that you’re 2016 will absolutely eclipse what 2015 was to you…in a good way. 

That said, the stats are in and we’ve created a collection of our very best, top 5 performing articles of 2015.




In this past year, we committed to blog for a year, seeing where it might lead us. 

The result:

• 41 Articles Written.

• Over 41,200 Words Shared.

• Over 13,000 Page Views 

• 125+ Shared Articles on Social Media.


Not bad for our maiden voyage.

Was our goal for 2015accomplished, you ask? Yes.


January of last year we set out to share fresh, inspiring, Christ-filled words every week in effort to reach a generation. 

We know that dreams don’t become realities without goals…and goals are only accomplished through discipline, effort, and consistency. 


But what does this have to do with you? 

No. This isn’t the moment where we challenge you to set a string of New Year’s Resolutions. Because the reality is, most of those commitments will be broken. Not because you’re incapable, but because of how we approach major life change. 


Wanna cut some weight? Looking to pick up the guitar this year? Hoping to learn some French? 

Here, let me help you. And this will be it, ok? 

This is my only tip to evoke life change for your 2016. 


It all begins with habit. 


• Start with a very simple goal. 

– Ex: Read 1 Chapter of the Bible first thing in the morning. 


• Reiterate the practice until it becomes fluid. 

– Ex: Read 1 Chapter of the Bible first thing in the morning until its easy enough to read more than 1 chapter of the Bible in the AM. Naturally, like a muscle, your brain will acclimate to take on more. When it does, accept a reasonable, new goal i.e. 2-3 chapters.


• As you practice your habit, maintain an environment to reinforce the behavior. 

– Ex: Set your Bible on your bedside table or download the Bible App and keep your phone under your pillow so it’s immediately accessible in the AM.  


• Allow this new-formed habit to overwrite an old habit. 

– Ex: Bible reading takes place of trolling social media feed first thing in the morning.


• Don’t measure your results, only your consistency.  

– Ex: Most diets don’t work because they emphasize time frame (i.e. 21 Days to Get Mad Skinny), rather than advocating for lifestyle change. So, if you’re goal is to read your Bible everyday, instead of only doing it during a fast or prayer summit, mark your calendar for each and everyday you do it. *Note: The Seinfeld Method and irunurun are great ways to track your progress. Over time, you’ll achieve your biggest goal simply because consistency wins the day. 


BONUS: Most people think that it only takes 21 Days to form a new habit, when in fact, this is the bare minimum in which anyone can form a new habit. On average, it actually takes 66 days to build a new habit into your life. So, zone your focus in. Pick one new area to grow in and get after it for this new year. Once you start to see success in this area, move on to what’s next. 


WATV – Best Blog Posts of 2015:


1.) 9 Critical Things Learned After Stepping Away from Ministry


"Doing things the right way often looks like a step backwards but its ALWAYS worth it."

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"Consider this practice in the case of young men, whose frontal lobes (the decision making part of the brain) aren't even fully developed until their mid-20's. Combine the accessibility of porn with the science of addictive behavior...add in the privacy of its practice with the cultural acceptance of self love and what you've got is the perfect case for lifelong addiction."


"Jesus is and was one of us. He’s on your side. He’s well aware of what its like to feel the way you do. 

Greater than any amount of grief, is the grace He empowers us with to walk through hard moments of life."


5.) Burn Your Stretchy Pants: A Story of Grace

"This is grace. God initiating change for our good and His glory."

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P.S. As we move into the New Year, we’ll be taking the first two weeks of 2016 off to plan for an awesome new year. Yes, 2015 has been great, but we’re just getting started.

Have an awesome New Year!! 


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