The Battles We Fight

The Battles We Fight

Seeds of discipline sown in times of adversity will be reaped as discipline’s reward in times of harvest.

You may have read my husband’s post about how we didn’t kiss until we were married. If you missed it, you can check it out here.

Shortly before I met Matt, I decided the next person I kissed would be my husband. And to me there was only one way to ensure that was the case. Our first kiss had to be on our wedding day.

I had kissed other guys before and after thinking about it I realized I was sowing seeds of commitment that could never be reaped. It was time to sow seeds of discipline.

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Why the Message Still Matters

Why the Message Still Matters

The first time I ever stood in front of a crowd to speak, I made sure to dapper up. I slicked my hair back, put on my best sweater and pair of corduroys, made VERY certain to smell nice, stepped on stage, and then…

I totally forgot to hold the microphone close enough to my mouth so anyone could hear me. During my message no one bothered to say anything. It wasn’t until after the event when I asked a friend what they thought, that I actually knew what had happened. My friend’s response?

“It was good,” they said. “I just couldn’t hear you.”

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